Order Help Desk
Have a problem with ordering? No worries - we'll get it straightened out.
Can I cancel my order?
Yes - you can cancel off-the-shelf items for a full refund if it has not been dispatched. Once it has shipped, you may return the unused items within 7 days of receiving it and be refunded for the order minus any postal costs incurred for the returned package and the original shipping cost.
Cancellations are not accepted on custom orders.
I entered the wrong shipping address - help!
If you entered the wrong shipping address and your item has not yet shipped, please send me the updated information ASAP and I can make the change and get it shipped to the correct address.
While I understand how easy it is for this to happen, if the package has already shipped there are limited options I can offer on my end to accommodate the mistake and respect the limited resources of my small, home-based business.
1. If/when your item is returned to me I can then have it shipped to the correct address. However, the customer is responsible for the cost of the item to be re-shipped and any shipping costs incurred by Sparrow Handmade for the returned package.
2. If you ordered a ready-made item (not custom), if/when the item is returned to me I can cancel and refund the order minus any postal costs incurred for the returned package and the original shipping cost.
Unfortunately if the item is not returned to me I am unable to process a return or free replacement.